Styrian GP 2021: Karntner Kasnudeln and Viennese Cucumber Salad


This race had drama, tragedy, and legitimate joy. Charles Leclerc won driver of the day despite taking out another driver on lap one, George Russel running in the points and on track for his first Williams points (… ever) was pulled out of the race with a mechanical failure, and Max won with gusto.

As a fan of racing and not necessarily cheering on any team in particular this race was… a little boring, but I did enjoy some of midfield battles and as a fellow Dutchy I do enjoy a Max win :)

For the Styrian GP this year I made Karntner Kasnudeln, cheese-filled dumplings with butter sauce, and Viennese Cucumber Salad. I loved the cucumber salad. Tart, bright, crunchy, all of my favorite salad attributes. The dumplings were a bit more of a miss. I provide the original recipe link, and there is another version I want to try… maybe next year! I am often looking for an excuse to use my pasta roller, and this might just be another opportunity.

Hope you enjoyed the race and you can find lots of Austrian recipes on the Austria Recipes page on the blog!