Brazilian Grand Prix 2016 -Pão de Queijo


The Brazilian Grand Prix this year was a special one. We have a Brazilian tenant and friend, Luiz. He has shared some of his favorite recipes with us and he cooked up a feast for the Brazilian GP.

All the classics were there:

Feijoada (Brazilian Black Bean Stew)

Brazilian White Rice

Pao de Queijo (Cheese Bread)


Brigadeiro and Beijinho de Coco (Coconut Little Kiss)

It was magical, and steeped in homemade deliciousness.


We contributed as we usually do with the cocktails:


1/2 lime
½-1 teaspoon sugar
2 ounces cachaça
Soda water

Slice the lime into 1/2-inch rounds and muddle them in an old-fashioned glass or small tumbler with the sugar. Add a couple of ice cubes. Pour in the cachaça. Top with soda water to taste.

To start off though we had some Brazilian Witbeir, which safely made its passage to California in Luiz's suitcase when he first arrived!


 Luiz shared some tips and a recipe for his version of Cheesy Bread, enjoy!

Bread cheese (pão de queijo):

350 g tapioca flour
1 spoon of salt
200 ml of milk
200 g of cheese (your choice - parmesan or combo of cheddar and parmesan works)
1 egg

Put the flour in a recipient, boil the milk and put in the flour recipient. mix a bit with a spoon. Add the cheese, salt and the egg. Now mix everything with your hands until became homogeneous. The dough  should not glue in your hands and should be dry, so if you need you can add bit more of milk to achieve the right consistence (can be cold). Important: test if the dough needs more salt.

Preheat the oven at 400 F and bake for 30-35 minutes.


The Kitchn also has a great easy to follow recipe: 

Pao de Queijo


Brigadeiro recipe

This video from Tasty Demais is by far the quickest way to learn how to make this tasty treat.